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CurriculumThe goal of the GW Residency Fellowship in Health Policy is to provide medical residents and fellows with an understanding of U.S. health policy and its implications for medical practice and healthcare oversight in the U.S. By the end of the fellowship, students will be able to confidently analyze and discuss key aspects of U.S. health policy through participation in intensive, interactive seminars. Core content areas include healthcare access, financing, regulation, quality, disparities, workforce, and law.
Participants will also witness health policy-making first-hand through site visits to Congress, Federal Agencies, think tanks, professional associations, Federally Qualified Health Centers, state health departments, media outlets, and more! In these settings, participants will have the opportunity to meet with the policy leaders driving today’s critical debates firsthand. The course culminates with group presentations wherein participants demonstrate their health policy analysis skills in simulations designed to mirror real-world challenges. The course syllabus and materials, assignments, assessments, and communication features for RFHP will be on the GW Blackboard platform. Participants will be required to use your GWID to login.
For decades, the practice of medicine has slipped through doctors' hands, outsourced to executives and industry special interests. This is where RFHP offers hope. Physicians are exposed to the constellation of comorbidities operating behind the proverbial curtain. From the structure of Medicare and reimbursements to drug pricing, workforce shortages, and the evolving needs of GME. The remedy of RHFP has made me a higher producer for my department, a more valuable resource to my colleagues, and a better doctor to my patients.
- Luis Dominguez, 2018 Fellow