Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for the RFHP course?
The course is offered to all George Washington University and Children’s National Medical Center physicians in clinical training who are considered to be in Good Standing and making satisfactory progress toward completing their program.
How long is the course and when does it start?
The RFHP course is three weeks long. It is offered twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. Please refer to the course homepage for exact start dates.
How will Scholars spend their time during the course?
The detailed schedule will differ across cohorts. Generally, scholars are engaged in an intensified three-week curriculum to train future clinicians to develop, evaluate, and analyze public health and healthcare policies. The RFHP course brings outstanding health policy leaders to deliver lectures highlighting the important role that health policy plays in the lives of our faculty, fellows, residents, and students. Additionally, scholars will participate in numerous site visits across the Washington Metropolitan Area, engaging and creating multisensory learning experiences.
How many scholars participate in each cohort?
Ordinarily, up to twenty-five scholars participate in each cohort
Will I receive CME credit for the course?
The RFHP course does not offer CME credit.
Do you accept external participants?
The course was initially designed for George Washington University (GW) and Children's National Medical Center's (CNMC) clinicians in training and continues to be supported by GW and CMNC. However, if space permits, we are happy to consider clinicians in training from other programs.
How do I apply if I am an external participant?
Please complete the external participant interest form.
Is there a tuition charge for external participants?
Please be advised there is a tuition charge for all external participants. Please contact us for more details.
Is there housing?
All visiting scholars are responsible for their housing arrangements.