Michael A. Granovsky, MD, CPC, FACEP
Logix Health
Dr. Granovsky is the President of Logix Health, a national ED coding and billing company processing over 14,000,000 annual encounters. Following residency, Dr. Granovsky founded Greater Washington Emergency Physicians, serving as the Chief Financial Officer. Dr. Granovsky then attained a coding certification, followed by an ED subspecialty certification, and ultimately led the Technical Expert Panel that designed the ED subspecialty coding certification exam. Dr. Granovsky has served as the Director of the ACEP Reimbursement course for the last 15 years and has been honored with numerous awards including ACEP Speaker of The Year.
Logix Health
Dr. Granovsky is the President of Logix Health, a national ED coding and billing company processing over 14,000,000 annual encounters. Following residency, Dr. Granovsky founded Greater Washington Emergency Physicians, serving as the Chief Financial Officer. Dr. Granovsky then attained a coding certification, followed by an ED subspecialty certification, and ultimately led the Technical Expert Panel that designed the ED subspecialty coding certification exam. Dr. Granovsky has served as the Director of the ACEP Reimbursement course for the last 15 years and has been honored with numerous awards including ACEP Speaker of The Year.